Get it all down on paper


This is going to be a quick post, more of an FYI I guess.

Lately I have had a strong urge to go back to writing in the context of the 21st century Ronin. I don’t know what it is that possesses me to continue and stop so suddenly, but here I go again. I don’t profess to be a master author or columnist, nor am I great with my punctuation. So if I am so poor with my writing, why persist? I guess its because it is hard. I have chosen to take up writing as one of the arts to learn and perfect. I can’t say if I will ever get there but I can at least try.

I don’t want to commit to anything because if I do (I am told) I never finish what I start. I take up something and get very passionate about it an then as quickly as it came around, It dies a sudden and painful death. (I’m not going to mention the stormtrooper helmet project N) oh wait, i just did……

Bottom line, I am going to make more of an effort to write. It is soothing, Getting my thoughts down on “paper” and to me feels rewarding, calming etc…
so why not? what do I have to loose?

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