The Master’s Guidance


The Master

Advice and Guidance is where you find it. Be it a trusted family member or friend, work colleague, Idol, book, T.V show etc. How we disseminate the information is up to us. When I am looking at a particular topic or issue, I try to get a broad perspective from many points of view before coming to my own conclusion. However sometimes the information given seems so right you can take it at face value and use it in everyday life, or can we?

So back on point. When I was a kid I watched a T.V show called ‘The Master’. It was a poxy  45 minute show about a American man named John Peter McAllister. An aging ninja master, and his young pupil, Max Keller. Most episodes focus on the mismatched pair driving around in a custom van, helping people in need along the way. Each episode had a side plot which focused on Max’ training. Whether it was attitude or physical the training was then worked into the main plot.


I guess you can see where this is going right? Yep, you guessed it. I’m taking advice from the Master himself. Now before you roll your eyes and say “come on! Is this guy for real”? I want you to hear the advice. The same advice John Peter McAllister gives is the same rule we have in Bujinkan. The rule is (never fight when you can avoid it. only fight when there is no other option). The Master tells Max virtually the same thing. Max is always getting into bar fights and almost always leaves the bar through its front window. So in one particular episode as Max was about to enter a bar in a small town the Master grabs his arm and says “No more fighting no matter how provoked”.

I recently had an issue with a family member that I could have really turned up the heat on as the attack was not provoked and was not warranted. I stopped and thought about what I’m really trying to accomplish here. I want a life of peace. I have had enough of hearing arguing and hostility. So as dumb as it sounds i thought ‘ what would the Master do’? Sure enough this little quote came rushing back like the smell of buttered popcorn reminds me of the movies I watched as a kid. And there he was large as life talking in my mind. “No more fighting no matter how provoked”.

Pareja joven discutiendo,gritando,peleando.

So I didn’t and you know what? Things worked out great! I think my family member was trying to get a rise out of me or something. But when I arrived at the function there was nothing but respect shown from them. Surprised the hell outa me too! I was able to let go of my pride. Once I realized that pride is worthless in this situation, I merely gave it up. It alleviated tension and avoided a nasty confrontation. Bottom line, use whatever works for you as an individual. Don’t worry about what others think and you will do just fine. And remember what Adam Savage says “Failure is always an option”.


Adam Savage Failure


So for now I think ill be listening to the Master for a little while longer………




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